Automated Farm Boundary Detection API

Automated Crop Field Boundary or Farm Boundary Detection Introduction: In today’s world, precision agriculture and land use planning require accurate and up-to-date maps of farm boundaries. Traditional farm boundary delineation has been a time-consuming and expensive manual process. However, with the advent of remote sensing technologies, such as satellite imagery and aerial photography, it is […]

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Map My Crop is a now Top Emerging 100 Global Startup in World

Map My Crop is one of the top 100 Emerging Startups by Global TiE( The Indus Entrepenuers). TGS100 is the new initiative launched by TiE Global Summit, hosted by TiE Hyderabad, towards recognizing the emerging startups globally. Applications were received from 14 countries, 80 cities out of which 76% are from Tier 2 & 3. […]

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Best Agriculture Startup in New York State

Map My Crop Receives 2022 New York Award New York Award Program Honors the Achievement NEW YORK October 21, 2022 — Map My Crop has been selected for the 2022 New York Award in the Agricultural Service category by the New York Award Program.We are helping over 2.4 m Farmers practice sustainable agriculture in the […]

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