
Botanical Name – Capsicum annuum
Family- Solanaceae

Arka Abir, Kt-Pl-18, Kt-Pl-19, Byadagi Kaddi
Soil and Climate

Soil –

Well drained, light fertile loam soil with moisture holding capacity is ideal. pH 6-7.

Climate –

Long, warm growing season, frost free for 4-5 months is ideal. In tropical southern
India the crop is raised during winter months (August – December) with temperature of 21ºC
at night & 27 ºC in day.
Optimum temperature for seed germination is 18-24 ºC.

Seed Rate
600 g / ha

 Prepare 10 -12 beds of 7 m long, 1.2 m wide and 15 cm height.
 Apply 15 – 20 kg well decomposed compost and 500 g of 15:15:15 NPK complex
fertilizer to each bed 15 to 20 days before sowing.
 Sow the seeds in rows 10 cm apart at 0.5 cm deep.

Field Preparation

Prepare the main field to a fine tilth.

Add FYM 20 to 25 t/ha before last ploughing


35 – 40 days old seedlings are ready for transplanting


Hills: 45 x 45 cm
Plains: 60 x 45 cm

Seedlings are first hardened by gradually withholding the Water 6-8 days before
transplanting and exposing them to direct sunlight. Water the seedling 12-14 hr before

Time of application                            N                                P                                      K
Basal dose                                            60                             100                                      60
Top dress 3 weeks after

transplanting                                        20                               0                                       20
Top dress 6 weeks after

transplanting                                       40                                0                                       40
Total                                                      120                             100                                     120

Plant Protection

1) Mites: Apply wet able sulphur 2 kg / ha
2)Nematode: Apply carbofuran 3G in soil @ 25 kg /ha


1)Damping off : Drenching the beds with metalaxyl MZ @ 0.1 %

2)Anthracnose: Seed treatment with carbendazim (2 g / kg seed) and spray with mancozeb 2 g/lit.
3)Fruit rot : Spray copper oxychloride @ 2.5 g/lit.
4)Powdery mildew : Spray wettable sulphur @ 0.3%
5)Chilli leaf curl complex : Sorghum leaf extract @ 5.0% + dicofol 2.5 ml /l

The matured fruits are ready for harvest after 70-80 days of planting. Fruits are
harvested 3 to 6 times in a crop. The harvesting is spread over a period of 3-4 months.
25 – 35 t/ha