
Botanical Name – Amaranthus sp L.
Family – Amaranthaceae


CO 1- (Mulaikeerai and Thandukeerai)
CO 2 –(Mulaikeerai and Thandukeerai)
CO 3-  (Clipping type)
CO 4- (Grain type)
CO 5 -(Mulaikeerai and Thandukeerai)
PLR 1-  (Sirukeerai)


Well drained loamy soils with slightly acidic nature and warm climate are suitable

Season and Sowing

Can be sown throughout the year

Seed Rate

2.5 kg/ha and 3.0 kg/ha for PLR 1 Sirukeerai Broadcast the seeds evenly on the bed after mixing with 10 parts of sand. In the case of PLR 1 Sirukeerai, thin the seedlings to a spacing of 10 to 12 cm on 7th or 8th day after sowing.

Preparation of Field

The field is prepared to a fine tilth and bed size of 2 x 1.5 m are formed. After germination, thin the seedlings to have a spacing of 12 – 15 cm.


Apply FYM 25 t/ha, Azospirillum 2 kg and Phosphobacteria 2 kg/ha, N 75 kg and K 25 kg/ha as basal dose.


The field is prepared to a fine tilth and bed size of 2 x 1.5 m are formed. After germination, thin the seedlings to have a spacing of 12 – 15 cm.

Plant Protection


1) Leaf eating caterpillar- 
 Collect and destroy affected plant parts with caterpillars
 Set up light trap @1/ha to attract and collect and kill the adults

2) Amaranthus weevil-  (Hypolixus truncatulus)
 Collect and destroy wild amaranthus hosts in the vicinity of cultivated crop
 Collect and destroy affected plant parts along with grubs and adults.

3) Leaf webber-  (Psara basalis)
 Collect and destroy affected plant parts with caterpillars
 Set up light trap @ 1/ha to attract and kill the adults


Leaf spot- 
 Spray carbendazim @ 1 g/l
Spraying of sulphur compounds should be avoided

Harvest and Yield

Leafy types
 25 days after sowing for Mulaikeerai (10 t/ha)
 40 days after sowing for Thandukeerai (16 t/ha)

Clipping types
10 clippings at weekly intervals (30 t/ha)

Grain types
CO 4 – 2.4 t grains/ha + 8 tonnes of tender greens/ha

20-21 days after sowing, slight irrigation may be given before uprooting . Yieldranged from 8 to 9 t/ha as tender greens in 20-21 days and 200 kg /ha for seed crop in 50-55 days.