
Botanical name – Beta vulgaris L.
Family – Chenopodiaceae


Beetroot is also known as garden beet. It is sweet in taste and is healthy having antioxidant properties. In the world after Sugarcane, Beetroot is the second largest sugar crop. It is a short duration crop which can be harvested in 6-7 months. It has medicinal values i.e. it is used to cure cancer and heart diseases. It can be grown easily and is ranked as top 10 vegetables grown in India. 


Ooty 1, Crimson Globe, Detroit Dark Red and Red Ball.

Soil and climate


Soil –

Sandy loam soil is ideal for beetroot cultivation. It can be successfully grown in well-drained soils, loamy sand to clayey soil and alkali soils. 

Climate –

Optimum temperatures for growth and development are 15°C to 18°C, with mean minimums of 5°C and mean maximums of 24°C. Although beetroot is a cool-season crop, it is fairly tolerant to high temperatures, provided that soil moisture is adequate. The plant can withstand moderate frosts, but growth will be affected.

Season and Sowing

Time of sowing:

The optimum time for sowing beetroot is October to mid-November. 


Use line spacing of 45-50cm for sowing. The plant to plant distance must be 15-20cm. 

Sowing depth:

Sow the seed at depth of 2.5cm.

Method of sowing: 

  • Dibbling method 

Seed Rate

Seed rate:

Use 40,000 plants for planting in one acre land. Use only one plant for per hill. 

Seed treatment:

Seeds are treated with Carbendazim 50WP or Thiram @2gm/kg before sowing.

Preparation of Field

Area needs to be ploughed first which is followed by 3-4 harrowing to get fine tilth. For good seed production, land should be well prepared and contains appropriate moisture. Before last harrowing, land should be treated with Quinalphos @250ml /acre to protect crop from Cutworms, Termite and other insect-pests.

Spacing: Use line spacing of 45-50cm for sowing. The plant to plant distance must be 15-20cm. Sowing depth: Sow the seed at depth of 2.5cm. Method of sowing:  Dibbling method

After sowing immediate irrigation should be given and then subsequent irrigation is done after two weeks of sowing. After that irrigation is required at the interval of 3-4weeks upto end February and at the interval of 10-15days during March-April month. Stop irrigation 2weeks before harvesting.

Drip Irrigation
Install the drip system with main and sub main pipes and place the inline lateral tubes
at an interval of 1.5 m. Place the drippers in lateral tubes at an interval of 60 cm and 50cm
spacing with 4 LPH and 3.5 LPH capacities respectively.Form the raised beds at 120 cm
width at an interval of 30cm and place the laterals at the centre of each bed.
Application of Fertilizers


Fertilizer Requirement (kg/acre)



Nutrient Requirement (kg/acre)



Apply well rotten FYM@8tonnes/acre and mix it well before sowing. 

In the absence of FYM, application of nitogen@60kg/acre in the form of urea@135kg/acre and phosphorus@12kg/acre in the form of SSP@75kg/acre. Application of urea@45kg/acre and full dose of phosphorus should be done at the time of sowing. Remaining urea is applied in two equal splits i.e. 30 and 60days after sowing. 

In the presence of FYM, the nitrogen dose should be 48kg/acre (i.e. urea@105kg/acre). 

In potassium deficient soils, application of potassium@12kg/acre (MOP@20kg/acre) should be done at the time of sowing. In boron deficient soils, application of boron@400gm (borax@4kg) should be done at the time of sowing.  

After Cultivation

20 days after sowing thin the plants to single seedling per hill.

Plant Protection

1) Beet webworm:

If infestation is seen then spraying of Dimethoate 30EC @200ml/acre to get rid from webworm.

2) Weevil:

If infestation is seen then spraying of Methyl Parathion (2%) @2.5kg/acre is to be done to get rid of this pest.

3) Aphids and Jassids:

If infestation is seen then spraying of Chlorpyriphos 20EC @300ml/acre is to be done to get rid of aphids and jassids.


1) Alternaria and Cercospora leaf spot: 

If infestation is seen then spraying of Mancozeb @400gm in 100-130ltr of water is done get rid from leaf spots.


20 – 25 t/ha in 120 days.

Market Information

Crop Growing districts                     Tiruppur, Coimbatore ,Nilgiris, Dindigul,Theni,
Major markets in Tamil Nadu        Mettupalayam, Coimbatore, Erode
Grade Specification                          Size