
Broad bean
Botanical Name – Vicia faba L.
Family – Fabaceae


SWS 1 (Suttan White Seeded)

BR 1 (Bihar Black Seeded) 

BR 2 (Bihar Yellow Seeded)

Soil and Climate

Soil –

Thrives in almost all soils with a pH range of 6.5-7.5 in hills only. It is a winter

Climate –

vegetable and can withstand temperature as low as 4°C.  

Season and Sowing

  • Sow the seeds during July – August and November – December
  • 25 kg/ha at 45 x 15 cm spacing.

Preparation of Field

Plough the land to a fine tilth, level and form beds.


Once in 5 days.

Application of Fertilizers

  • Apply FYM 25 t/ha at the last ploughing. N at 90 and P at 125 kg/ha should be applied on one side of the ridges.
  • For rainfed conditions of Shevaroy hills, apply as a basal dose of 62.5 kg/ha of Phosphorus as superphosphate and with another half of 62.5 kg/ha Phosphorus as FYM enriched super phosphate.
  • Soil application of 25kg of ZnSO4 + 10 kg Borax as basal

Seed Rate and Spacing

Hills: 80 kg/ha (2 seeds/hill) and 30 x 15 cm.
Plains: 50 kg/ha (2 seeds/hill) and 45 x 30 cm.

Plant Protection

1.Bihar hairy caterpillar: Spilosoma obliqua

Bihar hairy caterpillar larvae on soybean leaves

Symptoms of damage

  • Young larvae feed gregariously on chlorophyll mostly on the under surface of the leaves, due to which the leaves look like brownish-yellow in colour.
  • In later stages the larvae eat the leaves from the margin.
  • The leaves of the plant give an appearance of net or web


  • Deep summer ploughing.
  • Use optimum seed rate.
  • Adequate plant spacing should be provided

2.Gram pod borer: Helicoverpa armigera

Symptoms of damage

  • Young larvae feeds on the chlorophyll of young leaves and skeletonize it.
  • They feed voraciously on the foliage in early stage, may defoliate the plant and later they feed on flowers and pods.


  • Deep summer ploughing
  • Install pheromone traps at a distance of 50 m @ 5 traps/ha.
  • Erect bird perches @ 50/ha.
  • Setting of light traps (1 light trap/5 acre) to kill moth population
  • Spray with Chlorpyriphos 1.5 % DP @1200 ml/ha or quinolphos 25 EC @ 1.0 lit/ha.

3.Tobacco caterpillarSpodoptera litura

Tobacco Caterpillar damaging leaves

Symptoms of damage

  • Larvae feed on the chlorophyll of the leaves.
  • The eaten leaves give the appearance of whitish yellow web.


  • Deep summer ploughing.
  • Avoid pre-monsoon sowing.
  • Install sex pheromone trap @ 10 traps/ha for early deduction of the pest.
  • Erection of bird perches @ 10-12/ha.

4.Thrips: Thrips tabaci  

WSU Vegetable Pathology Program

Symptoms of damage    

  • The infected leaf turns whitish-brown in colour.
  • In case of heavy infestation the leaves get dry and drop down and slowly the plant becomes leafless.  


  • Dusting  of cow dung ash and spraying of  clay suspension as asphyxiants
  • Spray 0.05 % quinalphos 25 EC, or oxydemeton methyl 25 EC, or dimethoate 30 EC @ 2ml /lit at the crop age of 35-40 days and repeat after 15 days if needed.

5.White fly: Bemisia tabaci

Symptoms of damage

  • Due to attack of the insect the leaves turn yellow and become curled.
  • This insect spread the mosaic disease in soybean.


  • Dusting  of cow dung ash and spraying of  clay suspension as asphyxiants (in small area and low incidence of sucking insects)  
  • Spray 0.05 % quinalphos 25 EC oxydemeton methyl 25 EC, or dimethoate 30 EC @ 2ml /lit at the crop age of 35-40 days and repeat after 15 days if needed.

6.Bean Aphid:Aphis spp.

Symptoms of damage

  • They suck the plant sap from the stem, leaves and pods which cause reduction in yield.
  • The infested leaves are wilted or curled.
  • Plant stunting, reduced pod and seed counts, puckering and yellowing of leaves.


  • Dusting  of cow dung ash and spraying of  clay suspension as asphyxiants 
  • Spray 0.05 % quinalphos 25 EC, oxydemeton methyl 25 EC, or dimethoate 30 EC @ 2ml /lit at the crop age of 35-40 days and repeat after 15 days if needed

7.Jassids: Apheliona maculosa

Symptoms of damage

  • Infested leaves start yellowing from the margins.
  • In case of severe attack, all the leaves become yellow and eventually fall off from the plants.


  • Install one light trap (200W mercury vapour lamp) per hectare  to catch adults of  nocturnal pests such as jassid
  • Spray 0.05 % quinalphos 25 EC, oxydemeton methyl 25 EC, or dimethoate 30 EC @ 2ml /lit at the crop age of 35-40 days and repeat after 15 days if needed.

8.Girdle beetle: Oberea (Obereopsis) brevis

Grub of girdle beetle

Symptoms of damage

  • Girdling of  stems and petioles
  • Stem is eaten by the larvae and a tunnel is formed inside the stem.
  • The leaves of plant of infected portion are unable to get the nutrient and are dried up.
  • In later stages the plant is cut at about 15 to 25 cm above the ground.


  • Deep summer ploughing
  • Intercropping with maize or sorghum should be avoided
  • Crop rotation should be followed
  • Avoid excess nitrogenous fertilizers.

9.Stem Fly: Melanagromyza sojae

Typical stem tunnelling by maggots of stem fly

Symptoms of damage

  • The eggs are laid on leaves.
  • The maggot then reach the stem through petiole and bore down the stem.
  • The maggots feed on cortical layers of the stem, may extend to tap root, killing of the plant.


  • Deep summer ploughing.
  • Avoid pre monsoon sowing.
  • Soil application of phorate 10 G @ 10 kg/ha or carbofuran 3 G @ 30 kg/ha at the time of sowing will prevent early infestation by stem fly.
  • One or two sprays of 0.03% dimethoate 30 EC or 0.05% quinalphos 25 EC can stop the damage.


1.Alternaria leaf spotAlternaria tenuissima

  • Seed become small and shriveled. 
  • Appearance of brown, necrotic spots with concentric rings on foliage
  • Infected leaves later in the season dry out and drop prematurely.


  • Destroy crop residues from fields.
  • Seed treatment with thiram + carbendazium (2:1) @ 3g/kg seed.
  • Use Mancozeb or copper fungicide at 2.5g/l or carbendazim 1 g/lit.

2.Anthracnose/pod blightColletotrichum truncatum

  • Infected seeds become shriveled, moldy and brown.
  • Symptoms on cotyledons appear as dark brown sunken cankers.
  • In advanced stages, the infected tissues are covered with black fruiting bodies of fungus.


  • Do not cultivate when the foliage is wet.
  • Destroy last years infected stubble.
  • Seed treatment with Thiram or Captan or Carbendazim 3 g/kg and
  • Use Mancozeb @ 2.5g/l as spray or Carbendazim 1g/L.

3.Bacterial blightPseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea


  • Young leaves are most infected and are destroyed, stunted and chlorotic.
  • Early defoliation of lower leaves may occur.
  • Large, black lesions develop on stems and petioles.


  • Deep summer ploughing.
  • Seed treatment with streptocyclin @ 250 ppm (2.5 g/10 kg seeds).
  • Application of any copper fungicides @ 2 g/lit along with streptocyclin at the rate of 250 ppm (2.5 g/10 lit water).

4.Cercospora leaf blight, leaf spot and Purple seed stainCercospora kikuchii

  • Infected leaves appear leathery, dark, reddish purple.
  • Severe infection cause rapid chlorosis and necrosis of leaf tissues, resulting in defoliation.
  • Later, blighting of young, upper leaves over large areas, even entire fields occur.


  • Previous crop debris should be removed.
  • Seed treatment with Thiram + Carbendazium (2:1) @ 3g/kg seed.
  • Use Mancozeb or copper oxychloride at 2.5g/l or Carbendazim 1 g/lit.

5.Charcoal rot, ashy or stem blight or dry root rotMacrophomina phaseolina


  • It is a most common basal stem and root disease of the soybean plant.
  • Lower leaves become chlorotic and wilting and drying is apparent.
  • The fungus survives in soil and crop debris in dry conditions.
  • Dry conditions, relatively low soil moisture and nutrient and temperature ranging from 25o C to 35o C are favourable for the disease.


  • Ensure balanced fertilization of the crop.
  • Seed treatment with T. viride @4g/kg or P. fluorescens @ 10g/ kg of seed or Carbendazim or Thiram 2g/kg of seed.
  • Spot drenching with Carbendazim 1g/lit or P. fluorescens / T. viride 2.5 kg/ha with 50 kg FYM    

6.Collar rot / Sclerotial blightSclerotium rolfsii.

  • Infection usually occurs at or just below the soil surface.
  • Sudden yellowing or wilting of plants is the first symptom.
  • Leaves turn brown, dry and often cling to dead stem.
  • Numerous tan to brown, spherical sclerotia form on infected plant material.    


  • Deep ploughing in summer.
  • Crop rotation with maize or sorghum.
  • Destroy infected stubble.
  • Seed treatment with T. viride @4g/kg or P. fluorescens @ 10g/ kg of seed or Carbendazim or Thiram 2g/kg of seed.
  • Spot drenching with Carbendazim 1g/lit or P. fluorescens / T. viride 2.5 kg/ha with 50 kg FYM. 

7.Frog eye leaf spotCercospora sojina

  • Light to dark gray or brown areas varying from specks to large blotches appear on seeds.
  • The leaf spot may coalesce to form larger spots.
  • When lesions are numerous the leaves wither and drop prematurely.
  • Lesions on pods are circular to elongate, light sunken and reddish brown.


  • Completely remove plant residue by clean ploughing the field soon after harvest.
  • Seed treatment with Thiram + Carbendazim (2:1) @ 3g/kg seed.
  • Spray Mancozeb @ 2.5g/lit or Carbendazim 1g/lit.  

8.Rhizoctonia aerial blight / Web blightRhizoctonia solani

  • Infected seeds have irregularly shaped tan or light brown sunken lesions..
  • The infected portion later turns tan brown or black in colour.
  • Dark brown sclerotia are formed on leaves and petioles.
  • The pathogen survives as sclerotia in soil.
  • Humid and cool (24-32o C) are favourable weather condition.


  • Avoid dense planting.
  • Completely cover plant residue by clean ploughing the field soon 
    after harvest.
  • Seed treatment with Thiram + Carbendazium (2:1) @ 3g/kg seed.
  •  Use Mancozeb or copper fungicide at 2.5gm/l or carbendazim 1 g/lit.

9 Bean mosaic virus (SMV) belongs to Poty virus

  • Infected seeds gets mottled.
  • Diseased plants are usually stunted with
    distorted (puckered, crinkled, ruffled, stunted, narrow) leaves.
  • The parts are often stunted.
  • Flattened or curved and contain fewer and smaller seed.
  • Infected seeds fail to germinate or they produce diseased seedlings.


  • Use healthy/certified seeds.
  • Keep the field free from weeds.
  • Rogue out infected plants and burn them
  • Two foliar sprays of Thiamethoxam 25 WG @ 100 g/ha or Methyl demeton 800 ml/ha at 30 and 45 days after sowing to control the vector

10.Yellow mosaicMung bean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV)

  • Characteristic symptom is conspicuous systemic bright yellow mottling of leaves.
  • The yellow area are scattered or occur in indefinite bands along the major veins.
  • Rusty necrotic spots appear in the yellow areas as the leaves mature.


  • Rogue out infected plants up to 30 days
  • Spray Methyldemeton 25EC 500 ml/ ha twice on 15 and 30 days after sowing

Nutritional deficiency


Nutrient deficiencies in soybeans - Western Canada

Deficiency Symptoms :

  • Growth will be stunted and leaves a very pale green.
  • Nitrogen deficiency occurs because the bean roots are not nodulated or nodules are not effective because of poor soil fertility or low levels of Mo.

Correction Measure :

  • Foliar spray Urea 1% at fortnightly interval


Potassium Deficiency in Plants | Trifecta Natural

Deficiency Symptoms

  • Deficiency in early growth stages shows up as irregular mottling around the edges of leaves.
  • As deficiency becomes more severe, chlorosis progresses toward the center of the leaf.

Correction Measure

Foliar spray of KCl 1% at fortnightly interval


Magnesium deficiency in plants - Haifa Group

Deficiency Symptoms

  • In early stages of deficiency the areas between the veins become yellow.
  • These areas later turn deep yellow and rusty specks and necrotic blotches may appear between the veins and around the edges of the leaves.
  • In later stages, Mg deficiency gives the appearance of early maturity.

Correction Measure

Foliar spray of MgSO4 @ 2% at fortnightly interval


Sulfur Deficiencies in Cotton - UT Crops News

Deficiency Symptoms

  • Deficient plants become chlorotic.
  • New leaves are first affected, but gradually the entire plant becomes uniformly chlorotic.

Correction Measure

Foliar spraying of Calcium Sulphate 0.5-1.0 % can control the deficiency.



Deficiency Symptoms

  • Leaf turns yellow colour.
  • Leaf tip and borders dried. Growing tips dried.
  • Paled leaves turns dried and fell down.

Correction Measure

  • Spraying of foliar application of Borax @ 3 g/Litre twice at 10 days interval.
  • Application of Borax @ 5g/ha


A Guide on How to Fix Iron Deficiency in Plants

Deficiency Symptoms

  • Iron deficiency of soybeans occurs on some soils when the pH is high.
  • With Fe deficiency, the whole leaf including the veins turns yellow.

Correction Measure

Foliar spray of FeSO4 1% at fortnightly intervals or soil application of FeSO4 5 to 10 kg/ha


Manganese (Mn) Nutrient Deficiencies In Plants - Hydrobuilder Learning ...

Deficiency Symptoms

  • Leaves become chlorotic in interveinal areas while the veins remain green.
  • Symptoms differ from Fe where the veins also become chlorotic.
  • Whole leaves, veins excepted, become pale green and pale yellow..

Correction Measure

Foliar spray of MnSO4 @ 0.5% at fortnightly intervals or soil application of MnSO4 @ 20 to 25 kg/ha


Zinc - Dry Bean Agronomy

Deficiency Symptoms

  • The leaves become chlorotic, then rusty brown in color.
  • The veins remain green.
  • The chlorosis is uniform over the leaf and not concentrated initially on the edges as occurs with deficiencies such as K.

Correction Measure

Foliar spray of ZnSO4 1% at fortnightly intervals or soil application of ZnSO4 20 to 25 kg/ha


Harvest and Yield

  • It is ready forharvest in 50 days after sowing.
  • 9 – 10 t/ha of green pods in 90 – 100 days.