
Crossandra (Crossandra infundibuliformis L.); Acanthaceae


Tetraploid types – Orange, Lutea Yellow, Sebaculis Red.
Triploid types – Delhi Crossandra.

It requires a temperature of 30 – 35C for growth. It is shade tolerant to some extent
but susceptible to low temperature and frost.
Well drained sandy loam and red soils with pH of 6 – 7.5 are ideal. Soil is to be tested
for nematodes before planting.

Propagated through seeds. Seed rate is 5kg/ha. 60 day old seedlings are transplanted in the main field.
Propagated through terminal cuttings of 10 – 15 cm length (41,700 cuttings/ha).

Field preparation
Land is ploughed thrice and FYM at 25 t/ha is incorporated. Ridges are formed 60
cm apart. Dip the roots of seedlings in Carbendazim (1 g/l of water) and plant on one side of
the ridge at 30 cm spacing.

Apply FYM 25 t/ha as basal and NPK at 75, 50 and 125 kg/ha as top dressing three months after planting. Repeat NPK application of the same dose at half yearly intervals for two more years (Instead of applying N at 75 kg/ha, N at 60 kg/ha + Azospirillum 2 kg/ha can also be applied).
Delhi crossandra
Apply FYM 25 t/ha, Gypsum 100 kg/ha and P and K at 50 and 100 kg/ha respectively as basal dose. Top dressing is done 30 days after planting with neem cake 250 kg and N 40 kg/ha. Apply N P K @ 40:20:60 kg/ha 90 days after planting and repeat this dose at quarterly intervals for a period of two years.


Tetraploid : 60 x 30 cm (60 x 60 cm for seed production)
Delhi Crossandra : 60 x 40 cm

Season of planting

June to November

Foliar spray of 0.25% ZnSO4 + 0.5% MgSO4 + 1% FeSO4 (In case of expression of
micronutrient deficiency, spraying should be done at fortnightly intervals until the chlorotic
symptoms disappear).
Soil application of 2 kg each of Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria per ha at the time
of planting. It is to be mixed with 100kg of FYM and applied in pits
Growth regulators

Spray ascorbic acid 1,000 ppm (1 g/l of water) before flowering.


Once in a week depending upon the weather conditions

Plant Protection


Spray dimethoate 30 EC @ 2 ml/l
Avoid planting crossandra in nematode infested fields. To control nematodes, apply
carbofuran 3 G @ 1 kg a.i./ha a week after planting and the same may be repeated six
months after planting.


Soil drenching with carbendazim @1 g/l or trifloxystrobin + tebuconazole @ 0.75 g/l

Crop Duration

3 years including ratoon crop


Flowering will start a month after transplanting. Fully opened flowers are picked once in two days.


Tetraploid varieties : 2 t/ha/year
Delhi Crossandra : 2.8 t/ha/year