
Curry Leaf(Murraya koenigii Linn. Sprengal); Rutaceae


Sen Kaambu, Dharwad-1, Dharwad-2

Soil and Climate

Red sandy loam soils with good drainage will be ideal for its normal and fleshy growth,which will result in better leaf yield.

The optimum temperature requirement is 26 to 37 degree Celsius

Season of sowing and planting
The main season of availability of curry leaf fruits is July- August. After collection of
fruits within 3-4 days, the seeds should be pulped and sown in nursery beds or poly bags.
One year old seedlings are suitable for planting. One seedling is planted at the centre of the

Immediately after planting the pits has to be irrigated. On the third day the second irrigation is given, then the irrigation is given once in week.

Application of Fertilizers

After each harvest, 20 kg of FYM/plant is applied and mixed with soil.

After Cultivation
Periodical hoeing has to be given. During first year, one intercrop like pulses can be
grown. After attaining 1 m height, the terminal bud is nipped off to encourage basal
branching. In total, 5-6 branches are maintained per bush. The first harvest start from ten to
twelve months after planting.
Plant Protection

Citrus butterfly
 Collect and destroy the larvae.
 Spray two rounds of Bacillus thuringiensis @ 1g/lit or neem oil @ 10 ml/lit during new flush formation
Citrus psyllid
 Spray thiamethoxam 25 WG @ 1g /10 lit.

Bio-intensive Integrated Pest Management module for psyllids and leaf roller

 Yellow sticky traps (30 X 15 cm) @ 50 / ha for psyllids
 Light trap @ 1 /ha for monitoring leaf roller moths
 Release of Trichogramma chilonis @ 5cc/ha (2 releases at 35 and 50 days after pruning-DAP), Chrysoperla zastrowi sillemi @ 10,000 eggs / ha (two releases at 40 and 55 DAP) to manage leaf roller.

 Use of NSKE 2.5% + mineral oil 0.25%, to manage psyllids and leaf roller
 For Psyllid : Thiamethoxam 25 WG @ 2g/ 10 lit.
 For leaf roller: Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC @ 3g / 10 lit.
 Border cropping /intercropping with sorghum or cowpea to conserve natural enemies


Leaf spot
 Spray carbendazim @ 1 g/l
 Spraying sulphur compounds should be avoided

Harvest and Yield

At the end of first year, 250-400 kg of leaves/ha can be harvested.
In II year : Once in 4 months, every time 1800 kg/ha, which would work out to 5400 kg/ha/year.
III year : Yield 5400 kg/ha
IV year : 2500 kg/ha once in 3 months, which would work out to 10,000 kg/ha/year
V year onwards : 5000 kg/ha once in 3 months, which work out to 20,000 kg/ha/year.