For Advisors/ Consultants

Map My Crop gives you tailored advice for each farm that will give you a unique level of insight into the best course of action for your farmers.

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We can calculate the expected return on investments through analyzing yield data and as-applied maps, and compare planned future application against those already applied. Maps can be adjusted based on you or your client’s needs, and seamlessly integrated with machinery and fleets.

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Expected return on investments

Your all-in-one source for crop evaluation and analysis.Using our special VRA Maps and Farm Manager you can calculate all the cost in involved in your operations and Fertilisers and compare it with the previous cost.  This help you calculate return on investment by growth in yield and saving also on input cost.

Land-use planning issues

The key to success is to first create a map of productivity and stability of the land. This will help determine which part of the farm is most appropriate for each crop and what soil nutrients are needed. The second step involves sampling the soil to discover any deficiencies and then implementing fertilization or nutrition as needed.

Regional Crop Availability

Our Automated Crop Detection detection is available for 80 countries and tell you which crop in available in particular region, along with its quantity and quality. That’s right. E.g. If you want to procure 10000 Tons of Sugarcane, we can exactly tell you where to find it as on today or even with historical datasets.

Over 2.5M Farmers are getting benefit from Smart Crop Monitoring Platform
Tailored solutions to suit everyone