
Medicinal solanum
Botanical Name – Solanum viarum Clarke.
Family – Solanaceae


RRL-20-2, RRL-GL-6, BARC Strain, Glaxo strain, Arka Sanjeevini and Arka Mahima.

Soil and Climate

Soil –

Red lateritic soil is suitable .


 It grows well under moderate climatic conditions. Being a hardy plant, even land with medium fertility can give a good stand. 

Seed Rate
450 g/ha. Seeds are sown in raised bed in nursery and 4-5 weeks old seedlings,
with 10-12 cm height with 6 leaf stage are ready for transplanting in the main field during
June- July .

50 x 50 cm; 75 x 75 cm


June / July


FYM 25 t/ha. N, P and K @ 25: 40 and 80 kg/ha respectively.
Top dressing
50 kg N at flowering stage.

After Cultivation

First weeding at 2 – 3 weeks of transplanting and second weeding at 2 – 3 months.

After transplanting, the crop takes six months for harvest. The berries are harvested
when it turns yellow colour while streaks of dark green colour are still present. The berries
are sun dried to the moisture level of 6-8 per cent.

  1. Fresh berries: 10,000 kg/ha (10 t/ha)2.
  2. Dry berries: 2- 2.5t/ha
  3. Solasodine content: 2- 2.5%