
Botanical Name – Catharanthus roseus
Family – Apocynaceae


It is a perennial herb and is found in two basic forms i.e. Vinca major and Vinca minor. It is branching and erection herb. The plant has glossy leaves having oval to oblong shape. The leaves are arranged in opposite manner having pale midrib and short petiole. Flowers mainly have 5 petals having pale pink or purple eye in the centre. The drugs of this crop are used to cure leukemias, lymphomas and childhood cancers and some other cancerous and non-cancerous conditions. It is basically originated from Madagascar and is grown in throughout India.

Soil and Climate

Soil –

Full sun and well-drained soil are preferred. Because of its hardy nature they can be grown in almost all type of soil, they can grow even in infertile soil. Doesn’t use too fertile as it will affect the flowering of plant. The pH ranges from 6 to 6.5 which is acidic is suitable for plant growth.

Climate –

Periwinkle plants grow best in a warm daytime temperature of at least 75°F and a nighttime temperature above 60°F. The warmer, the better. Periwinkle plants tolerate humid and wet climates, but they are more susceptible to diseases in humid areas.


Catharanthus roseus Albus:– It has white flowers.

Catharanthus roseus Ocellatus:
– It has white flowers with brilliant, carmine-red centre. 

Time of Sowing

Time of sowing
Good time for the cultivation of this crop is September to February.


Propagation by seed . 


Seed Rate
The seed rate is approximately 2,000 seeds for 50 square feet land.

Nursery and Management

In late spring or summer, propagation is done by taking 5-8 cm long tip cuttings. Trimming should be done immediately after cutting then dip the root cutting in hormone rooting powder so as to kill the harmful microbes present in soil. Sowing should be done in well moistened soil with plant spacing of 30cm. The rooting occurs normally in 3-4 weeks and then they are treated as a mature plant.

In late winter or early spring, seed sowing should be done. Few seeds are taken and are sown in tray having moistened root mixture. Cover the tray with thin cloth so that moisture retain in tray. Keep the tray in bright light.

The seeds start germinating in 2-3 weeks then uncover the tray and start giving moderate water to the seedlings. Dont overwater the seedlings just give some amount of water so that soil gets wet.

Seedling are ready for transplantation when they attain the height of 1cm transfer them into the pots of minimum 8cm round pots.

Land Preparation

In late spring or summer, propagation is done by taking 5-8 cm long tip cuttings. Trimming should be done immediately after cutting then dip the root cutting in hormone rooting powder so as to kill the harmful microbes present in soil. Sowing should be done in well moistened soil with plant spacing of 30cm. The rooting occurs normally in 3-4 weeks and then they are treated as a mature plant.

In late winter or early spring, seed sowing should be done. Few seeds are taken and are sown in tray having moistened root mixture. Cover the tray with thin cloth so that moisture retain in tray. Keep the tray in bright light.

The seeds start germinating in 2-3 weeks then uncover the tray and start giving moderate water to the seedlings. Dont overwater the seedlings just give some amount of water so that soil gets wet.

Seedling are ready for transplantation when they attain the height of 1cm transfer them into the pots of minimum 8cm round pots.


The plant spacing should be 6-9 inches from one plant to another

Method of sowing
Transplanting seedling or root cutting in main field.


At the time of land preparation, apply FYM (Farm Yard Manure) @50-100 quintals. Apply fertilizer dose of potassium and phosphorus in two split doses. Once it is given after annual pruning and then it is again done in the month of June and July.

Weed Control

Do regular weeding for the good growth of plant. Weeding should be done at the interval of 2 months.


In hot and dry seasons or during growing season water should be given regularly for the good growth of plant. Apply irrigation at the interval of 15-15 days after every 3 months. Do not overwater as this will harm the inflorescence of the plant.


1)Black root rot: It is caused by fungus Thielaviopsis basicol. This symptom should be diagnosed when there is chlorosis i.e. yellowing of leaves, stunted growth and wilting/curling of leaves is seen. The symptoms infect the roots by developing dark spots on it.
Application of fungicides drenches i.e. thiophanate methyl, triflumizole or fludioxonil should be given to prevent from this disease.

2)Damping-off: It causes rotting of seeds as a result the seedling will die or there will be infected seedling.


3)Pythium root rot: It attacks the tips of the roots and then the infection goes upward within the root system.

Application of fungicides such as etridiazole, fosetyl-Al, mefenoxam, and propamocarb is to be done. 

 4)Phytophthora root rot: The disease causes yellowing or purpling of leaf, stunted growth, wilting and then plant death.  

Application of etridiazole, fosetyl-Al or mefenoxam as a drench can reduce further development of disease and its spread. 5)Rhizoctonia crown rot: The disease causes sudden wilting and death of the plant
Application of heavy spray/drench of fludioxonil, iprodione, PCNB, thiophanate methyl or triflumizole is to be done to reduce development of disease and its spread.
Foliage Diseases

1)Ulocladium and Alternaria leaf spots: They cause brown or black spots on the stem, petioles and leaves.
Application of fungicides such as azoxystrobin, chlorothalonil, fludioxonil or iprodione should be given at the interval of 7-14 days when in initial leaf spots starts seeing.

2)Phytophthora aerial blight: They cause wilting of shoots by causing greyish-green color lesions at the base of the shoots.
Application of azoxystrobin, fosetyl-Al is done at monthly interval. 2-3 applications are necessary to protect the crop from disease.

3)Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV): The disease causes black concentric rings, spots or line patterns on leaves.

4)Botrytis blight (Gray mold): It weakens the plant parts.
Applicaton of chlorothalonil, iprodione and mancozeb is used as fungicides to treat the disease.


Plants are ready after every 12 months for planting. Harvesting is done at interval of 3 months. The roots, leaves, seeds and flowers are collected separately and are used for medicinal purposes or for vegetative propagation.

Post- Harvest

After harvesting, drying of roots, seeds, leaves and flowers are sundried. Storage should be done in air tight containers to prevent it from moisture. From dried parts of plant the product like sadabahar powder is made after processing.


                                  Irrigated                                                              Rainfed
Roots                         1500 kg/ha                                                            750 kg/ha
Stems                        1500 kg/ha                                                            1000 kg/ha
Leaves                      3000 kg/ha                                                            2000 kg/ha

Seed Production and Technology
The physiological maturity of periwinkle seeds is attained at 40 days after anthesis
with maximum dry weight, germination and vigour with a change of pod colour from green to
yellow with translucence. Seeds can be processed by using 4/64″ round perforated metal
sieves with maximum seed recovery.