
Cabbage Crop
Botanical Name – Brassica oleracea
Family – Brassicaceae


It is leafy green or purple plant grown as annual vegetable crop. These are rich source of vitamin A and C also it contains minerals like phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium and iron. Cabbage can be eaten as raw as well as in cook form. In India, cabbage is grown mainly in winter in the plains region.


Popular varieties of Cabbage:

Golden Acre, Pusa Mukta, Pusa Drumhead, K-1, Pride of India, Kopan hagen, Ganga, Pusa Synthetic, Shriganesh Gol, Hariana, Kaveri, Bajrang.

Midseason Market, September Early, Early Drum head, Late large drum head, K1.

Soil and Climate

Soil –

It can be grown on wide range of soil, but gives best result when grown on well drained loamy soil having good moisture holding capacity. pH of soil should be in range of 5.5 to 6.5. It cannot thrives well in highly acidic soils.


cabbage is grown in large areas having a cool and moist climate.A temperature range of 15o-21o C is considered as optimum for growth and head formation of the crop. The intensity of flowering depends upon the age of the plants and the period for which they are exposed to low temperatures.

Land Preparation

Bring soil to fine tilth by ploughing land thoroughly. Give ploughing for 3-4times then do levelling of soil. Add well decomposed cow dung and mixed well in soil at time of last ploughing.


Time of sowing
September to October is ideal planting time in plain areas.

Use spacing of 45 x 45 cm for early season crop whereas for late maturing crop use spacing of 60 x 45 cm.
Sowing Depth
Sow seeds at depth of 1-2 cm.

Method of sowing
For Sowing dibbling method and transplanting methods can be used.
Sow seeds in nursery and apply irrigation, fertilizer dose as per requirement. Seedlings are ready to transplant within 25-30 days after sowing. For transplantation use three to four weeks old seedlings.


Seed Rate
For sowing use seed rate of 200-250 gm per acre is required.

Seed Treatment

Before sowing dip seeds in hot water (50°C for 30 min) or [email protected]/Ltr for two hours. After treatment dry them in shade and then sow on bed. Blackrot mostly observed in Rabi. As a preventive measure seed treatment with Mercury chloride is essential. For that dip seeds in Mercury chloride@1gm/Ltr solution for 30 min after that dry them in shed. Crop grown in sandy soils are more prone to stem rot. To prevent it do seed treatment with Carbendazim 50%WP@3gm/kg seed.


Fertilizer Requirement (kg/acre)



Nutrient Requirement (kg/acre)



Apply well decomposed cow dung@40 tonnes per acre in soil along with Nitrogen@50kg, Phophorus@25kg and Potash@25kg in form of Urea@110kg, Single Superphosphate@155kg and Muriate of Potash@40kg. Apply whole quantity of cowdung, SSP and MOP and half quantity of Urea before transplanting. Apply remaining quantity of Urea four week after transplanting as top dressing. 

To get better flower (Curd) set and to obtain good yield, spray Water Soluble Fertilizer (19:19:19)@5-7gm/Ltr water during the early plant growth. 40days after transplanting take spray of 12:61:00@4-5gram + [email protected] to 3 gram + Boron@1gm per Ltr water. To improve curd quality, apply Water Soluble Fertilizer 13:00:45@8-10gm/Ltr of water at the time of curd development.

Do soil testing and if Magnesium deficiency is observed to overcome Mg deficiency apply Magnesium sulphate@5gm/Ltr, 30-35 days after transplantation and for Calcium deficiency apply Calcium Nitrate@5gm/Ltr, 30-35 days after transplanting.

If Hollow and sometimes discolored stems are observed, Also curds become brown and leaves may get roll and curl it is due to Boron deficiency, apply Borax@250gm-400gm/acre.

Weed Control

Apply Pendimethalin@1Ltr/acre four day before transplanting of seedlings followed one hand weeding after herbicide application.


Immediately after transplanting, give first irrigation. Depending upon soil, climatic condition, apply irrigation at interval of 10-15 days during winter season. Give adequate quantity of water to young seedling in vegetative stage. Heavy watering after head formation cause cracking of heads.

Pest Control


As a preventive measure apply Methyl Parathion or Malathion (5% dust)@10kg/acre in soil before sowing.

2)Leaf Eating Caterpillar:

They feed on leaves. If infestation is observed in field to control of leaf eating caterpillars take spray of Dichlorvos@200ml/150Ltr water or Flubendiamide 48%[email protected]/3Ltr of water.

3)Diamond back moth:

 Serious pest of cabbage. They lay eggs under surface leaves. Larva of greenish color with hair on body feed on leaves and make hole. In case of lack of proper control measures, it causes loss upto 80-90%.

At initial stage take spray of Neem Seed Kernel Extract@40gm/Ltr of water at head initiation stage. Repeat this spray with interval of 10-15days. Avoid spraying at curd formation. Take spray of Bt formulations@200gm/acre at 35 and 50 days after planting. In severe infestation take spray of Spinosad 2.5%SC@80ml/150Ltr of water.

4)Sucking pest:

 They suck the sap from the leaves resulting in yellowing and drooping of leaves. Thrips results in curling of leaves, leaves become cup shaped or curved upward.

If incidence of sucking pest like Aphid and Jassid is observed take spray of Imidacloprid 17.8SL@60ml/acre using 150Ltr water. Dry weather causes infestation of sucking pest. Spray Thiamethoxam@ 80gm/150Ltr water for effective control.


1)Leaf spot, blight:

 If infestation of leaf spot or blight is observed, to control take spray of Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64%WP@ 250gm/150Ltr of water along with sticker or Mancozeb@400gm/150litre or Carbendazim@400gm/150litre of water.

2)Downy Mildew: 

Appearance of purplish-brown spots observed on lower side of leaves along with greyish white mold on leafs underside. Sanitation and crop rotation help in reducing infection. If infestation of downy is observed, it can be controlled by combined spraying of (Metalaxyl + Mancozeb)@2gm per litre. Spray three times with 10 days interval.

3)Black rot: To protect crop from black rot, do seed treatment with Mercury chloride. Dip seeds in Mercury chloride@2gm/Ltr solution for 30min. After that dry them in shed. If infestation is observed in field take spray of Copper oxychloride @300gm + Streptomycin@6gm/150Ltr for better control.

When head reach to full size and having firm texture. Harvesting can be done on basis of market need. In case of high demand and offers high price the crop is harvested early. Harvesting is done with help of knife.

Post Harvesting

After harvesting, do sorting and grading depending upon head size.


Duration of cabbage crop is 60 to 100 days. However, it is mostly 60 to 80 days. Cabbage crop can yield up to 14,000 to 15,000 kg cabbage heads per acre.