Sugarcane in India

Sugarcane Types in India

Types of Sugarcane grown in IndiaIn terms of production, Sugarcane is the world’s largest crop. In 2015, around 1.88 billion tons of sugarcane was produced worldwide. Top sugar producing countries are Brazil, India, China, Thailand, Pakistan and Mexico. 

In India, Sugarcane is grown as a Kharif Crop. It needs hot and humid climate with an average temperature of 21°C to 27°C. 75-150 cm rainfall is favorable for sugar cane cultivation. Irrigation needed for areas with lesser rainfall. Sugarcane can grow in any soil which can retain moisture. Ideal soil for sugarcane is deep rich loamy soil. The soil needs to be rich in nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus but neither it should be neither too acidic nor too alkaline.

Name of varietyYear of release Cane yield (t/ha)Sucrose content
(% in juice)
Area recommendedGenetic research for yield qualityOther specific characteristics of the variety
Co 8371
2000 117.718.6PZBiparental crossing followed by clonal selectionMidlate, resistant to smut, moderately susceptible to red rot, tolerant to drought and water logging
Co 85004
2000 90.519.5PZBiparental crossing followed by clonal selectionEarly, resistant to smut, moderately susceptible to red rot, good ratooner
Co 86032
2000 102.020.1PZBiparental crossing followed by clonal selectionMidlate, resistant to smut, field resistant to red rot, tolerant to drought, good ratooner
Co 86249
2000 104.218.7ECZBiparental crossing followed by clonal selectionMidlate, resistant to smut and red rot, good ratooner
Co 87025
2000 98.218.3PZBiparental crossing followed by clonal selectionMidlate, resistant to smut, field resistant to red rot, tolerant to drought and water logging
Co 87044
2000 101.018.3PZBiparental crossing followed by clonal selectionMidlate, moderately resistant to smut, moderately susceptible to red rot
Co 87263
2000 66..317.4NCZBiparental crossing followed by clonal selectionEarly, resistant to smut and  red rot, resistant to early shoot borer, tolerant to drought and water logging
Co 87268
2000 78.917.5NCZBiparental crossing followed by clonal selectionEarly, resistant to smut and moderately resistant to red rot, tolerant to drought and water logging
Co 91010
2000 116.019.1PZBiparental crossing followed by clonal selectionMidlate, resistant to smut, moderately susceptible to red rot,  tolerant to drought
CoM 88121
2000 88.718.6PZBiparental crossing followed by clonal selectionMidlate, resistant to smut, tolerant to drought, excellent jaggery quality
Co Pant 902232000 73.318.5NWZOpen pollination followed by clonal selectionMidlate, moderately resistant to red rot, resistant to smut, tolerant to drought, water logging and cold, excellent ratooner
CoS 1230
2000 68.218.8NWZBiparental crossing followed by clonal selectionMidlate, moderately resistant to red rot, tolerant to top borer, shoot borer and stalk borer
BO 128
2001 69.217.6NCZBiparental crossing followed by clonal selectionMidlate, moderately resistant to red rot and smut, tolerant to water logging and saline-sodic soil
Co 89029
2001 70.616.3NCZOpen pollination followed by clonal selectionEarly, moderately resistant to red rot, resistant to top borer and shoot borer, non-flowering, tolerant to drought and water logging.
CoH 2201
2001 70.018.2NWZOpen pollination followed by clonal selectionEarly, moderately resistant to red rot
CoSe 92423
2001 70.017.5NCZBiparental crossing followed by clonal selectionMidlate, moderately resistant to red rot
CoSe 95422
2001 67.817.7NCZBiparental crossing followed by clonal selectionEarly, moderately resistant to red rot
Co 94008
2004 119.818.3PZBiparental crossing followed by clonal selectionEarly, moderately resistant to red rot, resistant to smut, tolerant to drought and salinity, good quality jaggery
CoS 94270
2004 81.517.1NWZBiparental crossing followed by clonal selectionMidlate, moderately resistant to red rot, tolerant to abiotic stress, excellent ratooner


Peninsular Zone

Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, interior Andhra Pradesh and plateau region of Tamil Nadu


East Coast Zone

Orissa, coastal Andhra Pradesh and coastal Tamil Nadu


North Central Zone

Bihar, West Bengal and Eastern Uttar Pradesh


North West Zone

Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttaranchal and Western and Central Uttar Pradesh