
Cluster bean
Botanical Name – Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.
Family – Fabaceae


  • Guar is an important legume crop.
  • It is cultivated for fodder as well as for grain purpose.
  • Also it is used as vegetable and green manure crop.
  • It is drought tolerant crop and also thrives in semi-arid regions.
  • Gaur gum is extracted from gaur beans (endosperm of seed) has several industrial uses.
  • It is used to make gum powder which is used in
  • Oil extraction industry, food processing and preservation, printing, textile and paper industry.


1) Guara 80:

  • Recommended for cultivation throughout state.
  • It is resistant to leaf blight and stem breakage.
  • Seeds are round, flat shape and of light grey color.
  • Late maturing variety gives yield of 8 qtl /acre.

2) HG 365:

  • It is early maturing variety, ready to harvest in 105 days.
  • Gives average yield of 5.5 qtl /acre.

3) Ageta Guara 112:

  • Plants are of medium height of (1-1.5m).
  • It gives average yield of 8qtl /acre.

Other state varieties:

1)  HG 563:

  • Early maturing variety suitable for all guar growing areas in India.
  • Gives average yield of 7-8 qtl /acre.

2) RGC 936:

  • Early maturing variety, suitable for all guar growing areas in India.
  • Gives average yield of 8 qtl /acre.

3) FS-277:

  • Developed by CCSHAU, Hisar, suitable for all guar growing areas in India.

Pusa Mausmi, Pusa Sadabahar, Pusa Naubahar and MDU 1

VarietyDuration (Days)Av. Yield  (q had)Features
RGC 93685-90


This is a branched type variety. It matures early. It is drought
tolerant variety and is suitable for rainfed condition as well as
irrigated condition. Seed of this variety is of medium size with light
pink color. Pods are 5 to 7 cm long. It can also be grown under late
sown condition. This variety is resistant to many diseases.
RGC 100280-9010-12Plant is branched and leaves are toothed along their margins. Plants
vary in height from 60 to 90 cm. The flowers are generally of light
pink color. Seeds are bold and grayish in color, and 1000 seed
weight varies from 3.2 to 3.6 gram. This is suitable for rainfed and
irrigated conditions.
RGC 100385-9510-12The plant is branched and height varies from 50-85 cm. This variety
is suitable for rainfed condition. Leaf margin is smooth. Seeds
contain about 30% gum.
RGC  106685-9010-15It is single stemmed, erect and bold seeded variety. Flowers are
generally purplish in color. Plant height varies from 60 to 90 cm.
This variety is suitable for kharif and summer season
HG 36585-9012-15This is suitable for rainfed condition of Haryana and Rajasthan. It
has brisk podding behavior. It can be grown during summer season
and in irrigated condition also.
HG 2-2090-9512-15It is branched, bold seeded and suitable for rainfed and irrigated
condition. It can be grown during summer season also.
GC -I90-10010-12This variety is suitable for rainfed and low fertile soils. Plant height
varies from 80 to 100 cm. It is branched and suitable for rainfed and
irrigated condition.
RGC 101790-10012-14Plant of this variety is branched and growing to a height of 56.7 to
74.4 cm. Leaves are trifoliate and toothed. It is suitable for both
rainfed and irrigated conditions.
HGS 56385-9012-13Seed of this this variety contains 33% gum. It has brisk podding
behavior and plants grow to a height of about 60 to 100 cm. The
flowers are light pink in color. The length of the pod is 5 to 7 cm.
RGM 11292-9512-14This variety is moderately resistant to bacterial leaf blight and root
rot disease. It has branched plant type with light green color leaves.
RCG 103895-10012-15This is branched type variety and it is somewhat photo insensitive
and suitable for summer and kharif seasons. It has heavy podding

Soil and Climate

Soil –

  • Well drained sandy loam with pH range of 7.5-8.0 is required.
  • It can be grown on all type of soils.
  • It gives best result when grown on well drained sandy loam soils.
  • The crop tolerates salinity. 


  • It grows in specific climatic condition, which ensure a soil temperature around 25°C for proper germination.
  • Long photo-period, with humid air during its growth period and finally short photo-period with cool dry air at flowering and pod formation
  • It can tolerate temperature as high as 45-460 C. It is a photosensitive and indeterminate crop.

  • Atmospheric humidity encourages the infestation of many diseases like bacterial leaf blight, root rot, etc.

Season and Sowing

Time of sowing

  • Complete sowing from mid-July to mid-August.
  • Method of sowing
  • For sowing use seed drill, Pora or kera method.


  • Spacing
  • For Sowing use row to row distance of 30 cm.
  • 45 x15 cm

    Sowing Depth

    Sow seeds at depth of 2-3 cm.

Seed Rate

  • Seed Rate
  • For sowing use seed rate of 8-10 kg/acre.
  • Optimum seed rate plays vital role in maintaining proper plant population.
  • The optimum seed rate for both summer and kharif season crop is 15 kg ha


  • Usually, clusterbean is grown as rainfed crop in arid and semi-arid condition.
  • The irrigation should, however, be provided whenever, crop suffers moisture stress, if irrigation facilities are available.
  • Life saving irrigation should be given to the crop particularly at the time of flowering and seed formation stage.
  • Since crop often suffers moisture stress in arid region, it is recommended that water management practices like bunding of the field, mulching with plant residues @ 3-5 t ha be used for conserving moisture in the soil and avoiding moisture loss due to evaporation.
  • Spray of 0.1% thiourea solution at 25 and 45 DAS also improves the yield of clusterbean during moisture stress condition.
  • Adequate moisture is required for the crop grown during summer season.
  • Crop should be sown after applying pre-sowing irrigation.
  • If crop does not germinate properly, a light irrigation can be given at 6-7 days after sowing.
  • At least 5 irrigation should be given after the germination of the crop at an interval of 15 days.
  • Never allow water to stand in cluster bean field at any stage of its growth.
  • Crop yield may be affected due to high temperature and low humidity at the seed setting time.
  • Therefore, irrigating crop at seed setting time is beneficial for obtaining good yield during summer season also.
  • Suitable drainage conditions should be provided for the removal of excess water from the field

Rotation and Intercropping

  • In the rainfed condition of Rajasthan, clusterbean is traditionally grown as a mixed crop with pearl millet, mung bean, moth bean and sesame.
  • But in some areas, sole cropping of clusterbean is also being taken.
  • Clusterbean can be successfully intercropped with pearl millet in 2:1 row proportion of clusterbean and pearl millet.
  • This system is quite profitable as compared to sole cropping of pearl millet.

Following crop rotation can be followed:

  • Clusterbean-pearlmillet (two year crop rotation in rainfed condition)
  • Clusterbean-wheat (one year rotation for irrigated condition)
  • Clusterbean-cumin (one year rotation for irrigated condition)
  • Clusterbean-wheat-clusterbean-cumin (two year rotation)
  • Clusterbean-wheat-mung bean-mustard (two year crop rotation)
  • Clusterbean-cumin-pearlmillet-mustard (two year crop rotation)
  • Clusterbean-wheat-pearlmillet-cumin (two year crop rotation)

Seed Treatment

Seed Treatment

  • Before sowing, seed treatment is necessary.
  • It will protect seeds from soil borne pest and disease.
  • Dip seeds in hot water@ 56°C for 10 minutes then dried seeds at room temperature.
  • Treat seeds with Ceresan or Thiram @ 3 gm /kg of seeds
  • it will protect seeds from fungus. Then dry seeds in shades.
  •  Seed should be treated with either Trichoderma @ 4 g kg of seed or mancozeb or with carbendazim @ 2 g kg of seed followed by chloropyriphos @ 2 ml kg of seed.
  • The seed should be inoculated with suitable rhizobium culture @ 600 gm/15 kg of seed.
  • Three packets (200 gm each) of the rhizobium strain should be mixed with a solution of jaggery by mixing 250 gm in one litre of water.
  • After having uniform coating of slurry over the seeds, it should be dried for 30 minutes in shade.
  • Dried seeds should be sown within 24 hours of inoculation
Fungicide/Insecticide NameQuantity (Dosage) per Kg seed.
1. Ceresan3gm
2. Thiram3gm

Preparation of Field

  • For guar cultivation, firm and uniform beds are required.
  • Plough the land thoroughly for two to three times and bring to fine tilth.
  • After then do harrowing and planking to make land levelled.
  • Field should be well prepared for good germination. It should be fine texture, free from weeds and not too many clods. There is no need of preparing an extremely fine field.
  • The first ploughing should be done with soil turning plough or disc harrow so that at least 20-25 cm deep soil may become loose.
  • It should be followed by one or two cross harrowing or ploughings.
  • The ploughing should be followed by planking so that soil is well pulverized and leveled. Properly leveled field is required for good drainage.

Application of Fertilizers

Fertilizer Requirement (kg/acre)


Nutrients Requirement (kg/acre)

  • Apply FYM 25 t/ha, Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria each 2 kg/ha  
  • Apply Nitrogen @ 9 kg in form of Urea @ 20 kg and Phosphorus @ 19 kg in form of SSP@120 kg / acre before sowing.


Provide staking for MDU 1 variety

Plant Protection


1)  Jassid:

9 Common Pests in Your Agriculture Nurseries | EyouAgro


If infestation is observed, take spray of Malathion 50 EC @250-450 ml /100 Ltr of water for two – three times with interval of 15 days.

2) Ash weevils

TNAU Agritech Portal :: Crop Protection


Spray Azadirachtin 0.03% (300ppm) @ 2.5 ml/lit

3.Leaf hopper , aphids, and glasshouse whitefly

Leafhopper | NC State ExtensionHow To Get Rid Of Black Bean AphidsHow to Identify and Control Whiteflies Effectively

Spray methyl demeton 25 EC or dimethoate 30 EC 1 ml/lit.


How to Get Rid of Termites in Soil and Plants: Natural and Chemical Control, Solutions, and Treatment

Termites damage plants by eating away root and stem, which cause poor plant stand.


  • Seed treatment with chlorophyriphos @ 2 ml kg of seed and application of chlorophyriphos @ 1.25 L ha with irrigated water is very effective for controlling termite infestation in standing crop.
  • Application of chlorophyriphos dust @ 20 kg ha at the time of last ploughing before sowing is also very effective to control soil borne insects


1) Bacterial blight :

ग्वार, बाजरे के 8 प्रमुख रोग एवं उनका प्रबंधन - Krishisewa


  • Dark brown spot with dot like bodies developed on stem, branches, leaflet and pods.
  • In severe infestation, withering of stem and pod is observed. 


  • For cultivation use resistant varieties.
  • On incidence of disease spray with Indofil M-45 or Captan @260gm/100Ltr of water per acre.
  • If necessary repeat the spray at interval of 15 days.

2. Leaf spot

Cercopora Leaf Spot in Mung Bean: Cercospora canescens: PlantwisePlus Knowledge Bank: Vol Factsheets for Farmers, No null


  • Spray mancozeb @ 2 g/l.

3. Powdery mildew-

Powdery Mildew on Cluster bean By KVK Kalaburagi (Sidaray Allolli) - YouTube


  • Spray wettable sulphur @ 2 g/l or dust sulphur @ 25 kg/ha and repeat it at15 days interval


TNAU Agritech Portal :: Crop Protection


  • This disease is caused by Colletotrichum capsici f. cyamopsicola.
  • The symptoms of the disease appear on the leaves, petiole and stem in the shape of black spots.


Spray of zineb @ 2 kg in 500 L of water per hectare should be done for controlling this disease


  • Harvesting starts at 45 days in early varieties and at 100 days in late varieties.
  • The early varieties is 80-60 days and late varieties is 135-145 days. 


Yield– 5 – 7 t/ha in 90 days.